【大会動画】2021年8月 Wild Rift: Origin Series August Cup Finals(Europe, Turkey, CIS, the Middle East & North Africa 地域のRiot Games主催公式大会)


概要 Wild Rift Origin Seriesとは?

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Origin Series is the first official tournament circuit by Riot Games for the Europe(ヨーロッパ), MENA(Middle East & North Africa), CIS(旧ソビエト連邦の構成共和国で形成された国家連合の独立国家共同体 Commonwealth of Independent Statesの略称。本部はベラルーシの首都ミンスク。) and Turkey(トルコ).
The circuit was announced on May 20th, 2021 with a blog post.  Teams will earn points through monthly cups, which culminate in 16-team offline finals.



公式配信チャンネル Youtube

公式配信チャンネル twitch

Day 1

Day 2

Day 3

Day 4 Grand Finals